The Great Reset, Digital Currency & the UCC Code: How they plan to steal ALL your assets in their planned financial collapse!
If you’ve been watching any of my recent reports and interviews, you know I’ve been studying a lot about the UCC code and what I would call the corporatization of our supposed government and its assets or human resources –we the people.
This week I stumbled across one of Sarah Westall’s recent videos called: UCC Legislation was designed for the Great Taking of your Home & Assets w/Rep. Julie Auch
What caught my eye was when I saw, “UCC” in the headline; I just had to watch it.
Westall interviewed Rep. Julie Auch from South Dakota regarding something she found in HB 1193 that she suspects uses the UCC code as a loophole to grab the peoples’ assets during a financial collapse.
I found a quote in this article from KOTA Territory (KOTA TV) that sums it up: “Rep. Julie Auch (R-Yankton) spearheaded the effort to get the bill vetoed by Noem down the stretch.
‘As soon as I went to the Senate and was turned down for any help in trying to get this bill “killed” in the Senate, I knew we had to work fast to get the governor to look into the possibility of vetoing this bill.’
Auch and other’s concerns goes a step farther than Noem’s. They fear that the legislation opens South Dakotans up to draconian currency regulations in the long term.
‘This information inside of this bill, sets the means, and allows the state of South Dakota, the federal government, or the people in charge of our money to track your money,’ Auch said. ‘If they don’t want you to have access your money five miles from your home, they can shut your money off.’”
Auch said in the Westall interview that the plan is to be implemented in every state through the UCC code. She said after she started looking at the bill closely, she believed they were trying to use this house bill to take people's assets using the UCC code as sort of a loophole in Article 8, Section 501.
I’ve been studying the UCC code lately on a macro level. Auch brought to my attention a part of the puzzle that shows how through the use of the UCC code and digital currency, they could potentially take all of your assets—bringing meaning to the WEF’s, “you will own nothing and be happy.”
Auch set out to sound the alarm bells with her colleagues, but the bill passed in both houses. She said that the ruckus she made got the attention of both the South Dakota Lt. Governor and Governor Kristi Noem, where house bill was vetoed.
I say we cannot let our foot off the brake because the demons never give up.
Auch stated that House Bill 1193 is 124 pages total. She said pages 1 through 60 discusses electronic or digital money and pages 60 through 120 discuss the digital platform—a controllable, programmable blockchain ledger. This is the part that caught her eye. She said potentially this could be assigning value to hard assets with digital tokens, rather than the money system we are used to.
To reiterate some of my old reports and programs I did on UCC, it basically was the code they used to corporatize the government. I call this the “beast system.”
When we sign contracts we unknowingly sign up for the “beast system”—they don’t really disclose what’s going on.
Although I've studied the UCC code, I never put two and two together that the digital money system they have planned for us is connected through the code. This video really brought that to light for me. I viewed it on a macro level; Auch made me see it on a more micro level –how it will affect us individually, use it to steal individual property that could include: homes, stocks 401ks, bank accounts, etc.
The Article 8, section 501 says that assets if managed by another party, can issue ownership to that party during a “collapse”—this would take ownership out of the owner’s hands (you) and put it into the intermediary’s hands (them). Think bankers, brokers, money managers. They can swoop in and take all of your personal properties.
Auch said, "Banks want complete control over every single asset."
During the interview, they were talking about anything that's financed, equities, mortgages, or credit cards. Westall explained these intermediaries can distribute your assets to the first in line to get paid if there is a collapse—you would be last and could lose any equity you had, such as in your home.
Although I appreciate the representative’s tireless work in this area, the experts I have been studying suggest it is better not to participate in their system at all for the best protection of your assets.
When you sign a contract or a piece of paper you are “contracting” with them in their system; the signature is giving them permission to take over the property for you. If there should be a financial catastrophe—they could take control over your assets and distribute them as they see fit.
I would even argue if you own a property outright they could try to take over that property through the property tax loophole.
Part of our freedom in this country has always been set on the premise that we have the freedom to own personal property. They are trying to take that away in my opinion.
I believe it is more difficult to win in a system they set up and although I am not an expert or professional in finance or legal issues, what I keep hearing from experts that have “exited” the system seems like sage advice: #1 Get out of the system. #2 Put your assets in a trust for protection.
This scripture comes to mind from Revelation 18:4 “…Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
I think that says it all!
Sarah Westall : UCC Legislation was designed for the Great Taking of your Home & Assets w/ Rep. Julie Auch
Cornell Law School- Article 8, Section 501 UCC Code:
Citizens of the American Constitution (Jack & Margy Flynn)
C2KReport: Randy Conway & Rick Hildalgo-
KOTA Territory/KOTA TV article: Citing overreach, Noem vetoes banking regulation bill
#UCC #TheGreatReset #CBDC #FinancialCollapse #WEF #NewWorldOrder