Surveillance Society, Elon Musk, & Trump Transition Team Connections; Oh what a web we weave
Do you give a pass to all Trump picks without taking a closer look at them? The reason why I think this report is very important is because before the election when Trump announced J.D. Vance as VP pick, most Trump supporters were gaga over Vance without really looking into his background. I found some interesting things that closely resembled Obama’s journey to the presidency.
I am not saying the things I found in his background are necessarily “bad” things, but they should give you a reason to pause and take a closer look. Now, I must admit as time went on I really was taken with Vance’s ability to communicate—he definitely has a “silver tongue”—he’s articulate and can spar with the mainstream media like nobody’s business.
But there are things I found in his background that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck—it’s probably a duck. I hope I'm wrong.
When I look at some of the people that Trump is picking for his transition team and to possibly be in his administration, I believe there are questions that need to be looked into further. Just because you support someone, you cannot look the other way when facts about some of these people come to the forefront, because then you are ignoring the truth.
I merely want to bring to your attention some of the things I found after hearing a report given by Darren Weeks and Vicki Davis on their program called, Govern America, and an interesting article they read on air by Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout.
When Elon Musk announced his support for Trump, I started to notice how Trump supporters were already giving Musk a pass. When I wrote my book, Soulless Society, I found out about Musk’s dealings in the Neural Link project and the coming surveillance society the elite hope to force us to accept.
There are facts I believe people should be aware of and the connections that were already established years before Musk threw his support behind Trump—you can't ignore them.
Howard Lutnick, Trump’s pick for co-chair of his transition team, is on the board of a company called Sattelogic that is involved in, “ Earth observation, data collection. “ In a 2022 press release, they announced that they signed a new agreement with SpaceX (Musk’s company).
So Musk has been tied to Sattelogic and Lutnick through SpaceX way before his involvement with the Trump team. According to the release, “Today’s announcement ensures that we will be able to continue to launch our satellites as they are produced and that we remain on track to collect every square meter of the Earth’s surface every week in 2023, providing our customers with the most up-to-date, reliable high-resolution data source on a global scale. Expanding our capacity is crucial to making Earth Observation data affordable and accessible for everyone.”
So SpaceX (aka Elon Musk) has already been working with Sattelogic who is in charge of collecting, as they put it, “…every square meter of the Earth’s surface“ for basically surveillance purposes.
A March 2024 Reuters article, stated that Musk's SpaceX is in charge of building spy satellite networks for the U.S. intelligence services. “SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program said, demonstrating deepening ties between billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's space company and national security agencies. ”
The Reuter’s article revealed that Musk signed a “…$1.8 billion contract in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an intelligence agency that manages spy satellites.” This is a government entity. All of this points to Musk having a tie to the government, intelligence agencies, surveillance activities, Lutnick, and Sattelogic who collects surveillance data.
Nothing to be concerned about here—unless—any of these activities are connected to the surveillance, “smart city” networks and infrastructures that may be very likely coming our way.
If you think I am overstating any of this, here is a quote from a Whitney Webb article that reveals many of the actors involved with Trump, each other, and government military and intelligence agencies. In my opinion, this cannot all be coincidence:
“Key to the program are the services provided by GREEN+ founding member Satellogic, an Argentina-founded company closely aligned with Peter Thiel’s Palantir and Elon Musk’s SpaceX that specializes in sub-meter resolution satellite surveillance. Satellogic, a contractor to the US government and whose founders were also previously contactors for the US’ DHS, NSA and DARPA, will provide surveillance data of the entire world’s “protected areas” to GREEN+’s governing coalition, composed of the NGOs CC35, the Global Footprint Network, The Energy Coalition and other “respected stakeholders.”
As a side note, Peter Thiel has a direct connection to J.D. Vance; he funded some of Vance’s political activities.
Webb’s article packs a punch in my opinion because it ties all of these characters together and this was all before the second Trump run.
My concern here is all of the people involved in tech and surveillance, and now surrounding Trump. They will likely couch these surveillance activities in “keeping an eye on international bad actors, terrorists, etc.”
Honestly, while that might be partly true, I suspect the real role of this network may have more to do with speeding up a surveillance smart city society infrastructure.
The reason I wrote this article is that I find it highly suspicious that all of these players/entities already have established relationships—and I don’t think it is by accident that they all play a role in Trump’s world currently.
Time will tell us where all of this is going. The main point I wanted to make is that if you look at all of these pieces of information and then fit the pieces together—they could paint a picture. I hope to get people to be objective when looking at these facts, not simply dismiss them because they want to support someone.
I hope you got something out of this article and I would love you to share your thoughts on this.
National Library of Medicine
Whitney Webb article, Unlimited Hangout:
Businesswire, press release on GREEN+:
GREEN+ Program: