Stack-n-Pack Housing, Co-Living, & Agenda 2030…the NWO’s Plan to Remove Property Rights
Not all that long ago, I reported that Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll asked state residents to open their homes to migrants that had recently come over the border. According to a Fox News report she appealed to them saying, “…if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family."
I remember thinking that she should set the example by first inviting migrants to live in her home. I doubt that happened.
This week I came across a term I had not seen before, “co-living”—I pretty much guessed what it meant before I looked it up—and I was correct. The term was used in an article I read regarding a new multi-family development project in Chicago that offers three types of housing in one project.
One type is the traditional condominiums for sale, the second is apartments for rent, and the third is “co-living”, renting a room or bed in a “shared living” situation.
[Click HERE for VIDEO if you don’t like to read:]
It is my belief that the NWO, under the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 sustainable development hoax, is pushing this co-living idea, by trying to make it more mainstream, specifically through the multi-family sector because they intend on phasing out not just single-family homes, but more specifically property rights altogether for the average working person.
The rents for the Chicago project depending on how many bedrooms range anywhere from $1260.00 a month for a 121 sq. ft. room, to approximately $4000.00 per month for a 2-bedroom, 2-bath unit. Just like the Culdesac project in Tempe, Arizona that I wrote about last week, this project has everything tenants need such as retail, entertainment, recreation, restaurants, and grocery stores all within walking distance. Can you say, “15-minute city”?
I believe these types of multi-family developments are prototypes to shared spaces whether apartments or single-family homes. The reason is that they are purposely trying to make home ownership out of reach for the average, working person. If they hike prices, rents, home insurance, HOA fees, interest rates, etc. and make it all “out of sight” then people will NOT be able to afford an independent living situation—and this is what they want—extermination of property rights.
Transforming Our Society: Transforming our local communities with Multi-Family Villages
Again, I think what they want to do is replace single-family home ownership with this multifamily, high-density living communities idea because they deem it as “sustainable.”
I suspect that not too long from now, they will get rid of personal property ownership in terms of real estate altogether. I believe it is all attached to the green agenda.
The United Nations document called, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—is about restructuring our local communities through planning and zoning in the United States, to something we won’t recognize.
A goal from this document called, “Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”— includes the migrants pouring over the border. Here it is in their own words:
“We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination…We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons.”
Goal 10 states, “Reduce inequality within and among countries”, and they say this is possible by the following: “… if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed.”
How do you reach income inequality? Take away from those that have and give it to those that have not. To make all countries around the world equal, they have to take the wealth Americans may have obtained through home ownership and hand it over to the people they bring over the border.
And by the way, the scum bags that are writing and carrying out these policies won’t be the ones to give up their wealth. It will be you and I.
Dept. of Homeland Security: Moves to move you!
Former FEMA employee under the Department of Homeland Security, Celeste Solom, recently appeared on The Common Sense Show with Dave Hodges where she discussed recent exercises that are or will be going on including a government agenda item to “resettle” large migrant populations under FEMA.
Solom discussed a FEMA exercise called, Large Stable Population Movement & Resettlement. She said although it may be “an exercise” populations will in reality be moved during this drill. Hodges believes these types of drills are used to force people into “smart cities.”
Solom mentioned another exercise she suspects is about ending independent, single-owner, home living situations through yet another FEMA creation called, Mitigating Social Isolation and Loneliness.
Solom stated, “It is going to be a crime to live alone, especially in a house.” She alluded to the fact that many people have died since the pandemic leaving many homeowners living by themselves—therefore opening them up to a mandatory, shared living situation. She said she is already seeing newspaper reports that if a single person stays in their own home alone, they are being accused of “depriving young people of housing.”
This is what the U.N. Agenda 2030 means by sustainable development. It will be considered NOT sustainable to be a self-sufficient, independent homeowner under these government rules that I believe have their roots out of the U.N. agenda rules on sustainable development, and ultimately the green agenda.
You might ask, “Why would my local government do this?” I would bet the UN is funneling cash to the feds, that then trickles down to the states, and finally down to the local municipalities. I think local governments are getting payouts to carry out these types of projects on a local level and calling it sustainable development.
This all brings me back to the year 2000. I remember listening to Dr. Stan Monteith interviewing someone that was talking about a U.N. agenda to “rewild” areas of the United States back to their original state before development. They planned to remove roads and bring it back to overgrown vegetation, much like the preserves you see in homebuilding communities around the country.
They claim the reason is to” ensure conservation, restoration and sustainable use of a terrestrial ecosystem”—I believe it is really for control. To put us all in these high-density cement cities so that we can be surveilled and controlled. This is why they are doing away with property rights, the American dream as we know it. They can’t have you wealth-building your way to independence.
If you have an extra bedroom in your house, why don't you open it up for migrants to come in and live with you so that you can help them out? And never mind that you don't know them and they might steal, kill, or destroy your home. Don't think about that. Just blindly invite them in because it's the sustainable thing to do.
Co-living situations will likely be the horror stories of the near future. It’s better to fight to keep property rights in this country; time is running out.
The NAR Claims There’s a Chronic 5.5 Million Shortage of Houses
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Chicago’s largest co-living development nears completion in Lincoln Park
Massachusetts officials ask residents to lend a 'helping hand' and offer migrants 'an extra room'
Massachusetts declared state of emergency in response to a migrant housing shortage
FEMA Documentation: Large-Scale Population Movement and Resettlement
The Common Sense Show with Dave Hodges; guest Celeste
FEMA Exercise: Large-Scale Population Movement and Resettlement (at 18:30 time mark)
FEMA Documentation: Mitigating Social Isolation and Loneliness
#NWO #Agenda2030 #CoLiving #SustainableDevelopment #PropertyRights