Pf*zer, Project Veritas, Infowars & Un-Covering the Undercover Secrets: Interview with Justin Leslie, Whistleblower
This week I had the good fortune to interview former Pfizer scientist turned whistleblower—Justin Leslie. Leslie worked as an undercover investigative journalist for Project Veritas under James O'Keefe after he started to see things in his role at the pharma giant that seemed concerning. While working undercover at Project Veritas and trying to shed light on truth, he felt as though he was thwarted at every turn—this ultimately led to his decision to make a documentary that reveals his findings. We discussed his story and film production called, Project Whistleblower.
Leslie’s undergraduate degree is from the University of Rhode Island in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences—he graduated Cum Laude. “I went through all of the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics classes in pharmacy school, and I was doing a lot of bench lab science as an undergrad and doing research,” Leslie said.
I asked him at what point did he start to suspect whether or not the pandemic was an organic happening and he said, “I had an internal conflict initially right at the beginning. I bought into the two weeks to slow the spread narrative, and then I slowly just got really aggravated from wearing masks. I was like, this is pointless. It feels like this whole thing is essentially the flu rebranded.”
In late 2019 and early 2020, when the pandemic was gaining ground, he was in his final semester of his undergraduate degree. Leslie said, “I was really questioning the narrative and wanted to be a whistleblower … I was basically the only one asking questions about of vaccines and COVID itself. I really wasn't buying into their narratives.”
Enter Pf*zer
Leslie said that while at Rutgers working on a master's program, he was miserable, “I wanted to actually utilize my hands and utilize bench science skills and or get into sales, do whatever I could in the pharmaceutical industry.”
During the winter and spring of 2021, just as the vaccines were rolling out from the major pharma companies, he started to apply for roles in the pharmaceutical industry and landed at Pfizer.
“I applied because I was throwing something out on the wall to see if it stuck. I really didn't want to work at Pfizer, but they were the only company to offer me a role,” Leslie said. He was offered a position as a formulation analytical scientist. He explained that he was working directly on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, their modified RNA flu vaccine, and self-amplifying RNA flu vaccine.
Leslie believes he was put in this impactful position by God. “I took it because I knew better. I knew that things were wrong, essentially with the vaccine rollout…pushing out an experimental toxic poison bomb injection of this mRNA technology that's never been proven to be safe or effective was being rolled out in what, like nine months of manufacturing. And so I knew something was up.”
Before he actually took the position Leslie reached out to Project Veritas and told them he had an offer for a scientist role at Pfizer, hoping they would want to work with him on revealing whatever he could find out about the vaccines through his new role.
His goal was to work with them in hopes of potentially stopping people from dying.
In late August, after Leslie contacted Project Veritas, he said they initially turned him down and did not want to work with him, but then flipped their decision and started working with him in late September, early October of 2021. Leslie says, “…which is where my story gets just really interesting.”
Project Veritas or Project Confusio?
When I asked him why he thought Project Veritas didn’t first want to work with him, he said he did not necessarily have a firm answer other than maybe they just thought he was young and didn't know anything. He said the first journalist he spoke with didn't really seem that interested.
Eventually Leslie did start to work with them and was involved in a number of assignments that included working on project with Dr. Carrie Madej. As he collected footage from Pfizer, he handed it over fully expecting to see a bombshell that would bring truth to the public. To his surprise, Project Veritas pulled the plug on his footage saying there were “recording consent issues.”
Leslie said he was frustrated, “They knew that I was breaking Recording Consent law, but also at the same time, really obtaining information that could save lives and expose crimes.”
My question is why would they hire him, train him to do investigative work, give him the equipment to do the work, and then throw out the story? This seemed to be a recurring theme throughout his time at Project Veritas. It makes one wonder who is Project Veritas?
Leslie discussed the exit of James O’Keefe from Project Veritas, the formation of O’Keefe’s new organization (Leslie ended up following him there for a short time), the sting operations he was involved in, the F.B.I. raid on Project Veritas, his interactions with Infowars, O’Keefe’s visit to Bohemian Grove, and more!
I had a lot of questions that led to more questions, but everything was so confusing and nonsensical in terms of an organization that was created to reveal truth—many of their moves just did not make sense. I got the feeling a lot of Project Veritas’ work is not what you might think, which then leads me to wonder who is/was really behind this organization.
There’s too much detail for me to write an article on everything Leslie divulged. You can watch the video to hear his story, but most importantly, I highly recommend watching his documentary that explains his journey.
When I asked Leslie what he plans to do in the future, he said he wants to continue his investigative journalism work, start a podcast, and continue to tell important whistleblower stories.
He also has aspirations to continue to reveal information about allopathic medicine in hopes that people will embrace a more natural form of healing with a holistic approach. Leslie said, “I feel called to help heal people.”
Justin Leslie’s website and “Project Whistleblower” documentary: Just Integrity:
#ProjectVertias #Pfizer #Vaccines #ProjectWhistleblower #JustinLeslie #Infowars #Whistleblower