New World Order, CIA, Kissinger and the China Connection
This week I stumbled onto a book called Taking Back America, by journalist and author, Susan Bradford. What caught my eye was information she discusses regarding both the CIA and Henry Kissinger and their connection to the Chinese Communist Party. It fills in a lot of the blanks as Bradford discloses historical information that ties up loose ends when you compare the U.S. to China today.
In my book, Soul-less Society: The Ultimate Deception That Took The Land of Plenty to A Nation of Death, I wrote about how the U.S. military purposely foiled the Chinese Nationalists who were winning against the Chinese Communists. We sabotaged the Chinese Nationalists and it resulted in the Chinese Communists coming to power and are still today. Bradford reveals how this strategic move was not really just a U.S. ploy, but was a long-planned agenda item of the British shadow elite.
British Intelligence
Bradford’s book begins with the history of the intelligence agencies. She discloses how the British intelligence network was very sophisticated. This was before the U.S. had the CIA and FBI--British intelligence was creating a network across countries to increase the wealth and power of the shadow elite throughout the world. MI5 and MI6 were part of a global network that was an extension of a Jesuit spy network and ultimately led by the Vatican and the City of London.
Now, when I read the City of London, I also think of the Bank of London. They had to be the ones that were funding and bankrolling all these intelligence activities. These intelligence networks were set up all the way from Europe to Middle East to Asia.
Bradford explains how the British intelligence created the U.S. intelligence –that the CIA actually came out of British intelligence to help carry out the British elite agenda still in motion today.
OSS and the CIA
The OSS, Office of Strategic Services, which was the U.S. intelligence arm that was the precursor to the CIA, was modeled after the MI6 British network. Alan Dulles’s mission was to recruit100 OSS agents. He was looking for lawyers, businessmen, diplomats, and labor leaders—people that were primarily Communist or Socialist. He was looking for anarchists, Nazi scientists and German and Jewish refugees.
When I read the part about German and Jewish refugees, it made me think of George Soros and I wondered if this is not how he was recruited into the network to carry out the corruption he has been involved in during recent times.
The OSS was a tool used to spread propaganda, sabotage, false flag events, psychological warfare, and political manipulation to name a few tactics. And that's really what I believe the CIA does today.
Dulles did such a great job recruiting for the OSS, he was tapped to be Director of CIA.
Kissinger & China
There was always something I couldn’t figure out about Henry Kissinger—like there was this mystique about him. I never knew much about him, but knew he had power.
Bradford gives a historical account about the former Secretary of State during the Nixon Administration.
She says that he was a Jewish refugee from Germany and he was given the task to coordinate the U.S. and China policy on behalf of the shadow elite—specifically to “normalize relations between China and the U.S.”, to open up the channels to transfer U.S. technology to China. This would be a way to bring the U.S. down to a welfare state while building up China.
She also states that British Prime Minister Alec Douglas Home targeted Kissinger to help with a secret agenda by the Brits to elevate the Communist Chinese party to preside over the New World Order.
Now, this is something intriguing I never heard but don’t doubt. The Chinese Communist Party is a master at tyranny.
So as they were building China up and giving them our technology, we were and continue to fall. We’ve lost our manufacturing advantage and jobs, and our strong economic foundation is gone. Bradford says that Kissinger was really pivotal through all of this because of his loyalty to the British elite.
Because of this loyalty, he had authority over U.S. national security and foreign policy while in the Nixon Administration.
China Today
So this is not something new. This has been going on for decades.
And it looks like he did a really good job because look where we are today when you compare the U.S. to China.
In the 1950s, our military sabotaged the Chinese Nationalists and instead helped the Chinese Communists infiltrate and rise to power. They are still in power today. Isn’t it ironic that this same power we helped create is now taking us down?
As I talk about in my new book, China owns U.S. farmland, real estate, oil and gas, communications, and they’ve infiltrated our universities.
And when I look now and I find out that Kissinger was involved in helping set up China to basically be the nation that leads over and presides over the New World order, this all comes full circle for me.
Check out my new book, Soul-less Society: The Ultimate Deception That Took The Land of Plenty to A Nation of Death, to be released on November 28, 2023.
Learn about it:
Taking Back America, Susan Bradford #Globalism #GeoPolitics #Government #CIA