Mind Control, Elon Musk, and His REAL Technocracy Connection
In today’s post, I’m going to start with a dream I had back in the 2018 time period. I never wrote or spoke about it before. I believe it ties to what I'm going to talk about today—mind control, Elon Musk, and his REAL technocratic connection.
Before the pandemic, I had been hearing a lot about different technocratic types of projects that were going on, and it’s possible that this is why I had this dream.
Uploads, Downloads & Hacking the Mind
In this dream I was viewing myself in a surgical theater. I was the patient on the surgical table surrounded by doctors and nurses. Although I was unconscious on the surgical table, I could hear what was going on in the room. A nurse was reading off my vitals to the rest of the team. I felt safe. I didn't feel scared. I was just lying there and I could hear the nurse going down a checklist of my vitals. She was rattling off things like breathing and then a number, and blood pressure and a number. She was going down this checklist to confirm whether or not I was ready for the procedure they were about to do.
As I was still lying on the table, all of a sudden they took what I can only describe as an elongated, glass cylinder shaped cover with a handle on top. They started to slowly place the cylinder over my head from the top to about my shoulders. As they were placing this cylinder over my head, I could feel some sort of energy, as if they're putting this energy in my head. I could feel it going in the brain almost like they were pushing a force into my brain. When they removed the glass cylinder, I could also feel the energy leaving. Then the dream was over. Three words came to me: upload, download, and hacking, as in “hacking of the mind.”
Elon Musk’s Brain Project
A couple of years later, the dream would make more sense to me. When I was finishing my book post-pandemic, I wrote about Elon Musk’s Neuralink project. In the book, I discussed how Musk was working on a project that would design a brain-computer interface technology to connect to human brains. I believe this access to the brain would allow them to enter your mind and read, upload or download, or even edit information. I don’t know where the project is today, but the following is my theory of where it is going.
Is it possible that one day if they (those in charge) don’t like what you are thinking, they could go in and change, on the fly, what you're thinking about, to what they want you to think? A sort of what I would call a brain read, or a brain link. I believe the end game is to connect all of the brains to a network of brains—the Internet of Things—in this network of brains, they would have the ability to upload, download, edit, or hack your brain…your thoughts.
When I interviewed Elana Freeland, she was talking about how we've all been poisoned with heavy metals that would eventually make humans both transmitters and receivers, in other words, two-way communication devices that would connect to a network such as the Internet of Things. We could receive information through waves, but we could also transmit or give our knowledge. So we could potentially receive the knowledge they want us to have.
As far back as 2013 when I interviewed Dr. John Hall about electronic harassment, he told me back then that they had a sinister type of technology that could hack your mind to hear voices called, “voice to skull”. Hall’s fiancée had many experiences when she was alone; she could hear somebody talking to her in her head. If this really happened, then they already have “hacking the mind” capabilities.
Where Did Elon Musk Really Come From?
As a skeptic, I always wonder where these tech lords come from when they are suddenly put on the media pedestal and all eyes are on them. I often wondered this about Elon Musk. Journalist, author, and researcher, Susan Bradford, answers some questions about his background in her book, Fleeced: UnMasking Elon Musk, the Green New Deal, and the Coming Technocracy through the Oklahoma Indian Land Scam.
Bradford discusses the grooming of Musk in the book. In 2018, Musk made the Forbes most powerful people's list. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. According to Bradford, “this gave Musk a nod by the queen” that “yes”, he was doing the work he was supposed to do. His induction into the Royal Society had now put him in the web and the influence of the Monarch. The Royal Society is the UK's leading national academy of science, and they develop policy and implement it globally based on the goals of the elite at the top. All of the sudden, Musk started going on tour, appearing at a variety of social engagements such as TED Talks, all funded by the elite group.
Additionally, I found a Canadian news source, CBC News that revealed Musk’s familial connection to the original technocratic movement that began in the early 1900’s. According to Wikipedia, Howard Scott is considered the founder of the technocracy movement and it had a couple of starts and stops until a group called, Technocracy Incorporated, was formed in 1933 in New York City, and was primarily active in Canada and the U.S.
Technocracy Incorporated was not a political movement—in fact they wanted to get rid of politicians and bring forth a “radical restructure” of society as we know it—in the political, social, and economic areas of life. They wanted no politicians, no money. They wanted a technocratic utopian society run by engineers and scientists because they thought they were better at problem-solving than politicians. They wanted to take us off a financial monetary system and move us to a token system. They even called it a “social credit system” back in 1933—and there was a political party called, the Social Credit Party of Canada.
Technocrat, political activist, and chiropractor, Dr. Joshua Haldeman was research director and head of Technocracy Incorporated from 1936 to 1941. Haldeman ran as a candidate on the Social Credit Party ticket in 1945. Haldeman had a daughter that gave birth to a son in 1971. And who was the son? Elon Musk—so Elon Musk, who we think just organically stumbled into the tech-savvy, entrepreneurial limelight, was the grandson of this Dr. Joshua Haldeman—a leader of the technocrat movement of his day.
So how is that for a coincidence?
Technocracy Today
Technocracy Incorporated is still around today. I am not sure if the “real technocrats” play a part in this current movement, but a 2023 Business Insider article states that the movement believes in an “authoritarian group of tech savvy overlords that could solve the world's problems.”
I believe the elites are actually pushing out this technocratic way of thinking today on a global level. The tech-giants we see on the media stage are just the puppets that carry out their orders.
Here we are almost 100 years later since the technocrat movements began, and the technocrats of today, such as Bill Gates, want to help replace personal liberty and national sovereignty with globalism. In fact, you can find writings and quotes by Gates where he says he wants to “solve world problems.” The problem is, I don’t think the average, freedom-loving American understands the way in which he wants to do this—remove your liberty and put you under the rule of a controlled, surveillance society.
Technocrats believe in the idea of sustainable development, its connections to energy consumption, and the green agenda. All of these parts are being intertwined in society because, in my opinion, it is the only way to take control of everyone through surveillance—on a smart grid.
Getting back to how I started this article, if a technology like Musk’s Neuralink can read your thoughts, they have to first be able to access them. This then can lead to the ability to upload, download, or edit your thoughts. And if they do that, it is the ultimate in mind control—the hacking of the brain—the “ultimate loss of freedom.”
****Check out Angeline Marie’s new book, Soulless Society--visit https://www.soullesssocietybook.com/media.
Fl33c3d: UnMasking Elon Musk, the Green New Deal, and the Coming Technocracy through the Oklahoma Indian Land Scam by Susan Bradford
Wikipedia, Technocracy Movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy_movement
CBC News: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/
Technocracy Incorporated: https://www.technocracyinc.org/home-page/
Business Insider: Elon Musk's grandfather belonged to a political party that believed the world should be governed by technology. Newspapers at the time described it as having 'the tone of an incipient Fascist movement.' https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9