End Times Dream? Snakes, Power Struggle, Russia, and the Church
I decided to do an impromptu mini report unlike any other I’ve done before. Recently, I have been having vivid dreams and decided to record a report about the latest one that I had on the morning following sundown on the first day of Passover.
I am not a prophecy type person—meaning I don’t profess to see in the prophetic. I don't think that's one of my gifts. That's not my intention here. But it might be that when I share this dream with you, somebody might glean something from it. I’m not even sure what all of the elements in the dream mean, but I felt that it was something I needed to record.
The back story to the dream is that I got home from work just before sundown on Passover day. I felt led to prepare a communion plate and select an Old Testament scripture out of Exodus when God gave the Jewish people the instructions for Passover. Then I selected a New Testament scripture about the Last Supper, just before Christ was crucified. I read the scriptures and took the communion.
In the early hours of the next morning, about the 5am eastern hour, I had a very vivid dream. I woke up from it abruptly at 5:45am. I was going to do the old, “ I'll write it down when I get up.” And then something told me, “No you're not. You're going to do it now.”
So I jumped up at 5:45, scrambled around for a pen and a paper, turned on a light, and started writing this dream, and I decided to record and share it.
In Acts 2:17, it says,” In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all my people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”
Is that why I'm having all these vivid dreams? I don’t know but I am going to start paying more attention to them. I feel in my spirit that many of the elements in this dream that included snakes, a Russian reference, a mechanical dog, a power struggle, and possibly the Church, were “end times” based.
I have my own take on what many of the elements of the dream point to, but I would love to know what you think.
#endtimes #biblicalprophecy #Armageddon