Censorship: The Truth Behind the Biden Administration’s “Digital Equity” Plan
What is the truth behind the Biden Administration’s Digital Equity plan? They say it is about leveling the playing field in terms of access to broadband services across income levels, race, and protected classes of people. I say “BULL”!
It’s simply about control and censorship.
If you've seen the latest headlines, the FCC has just adopted rules that will come down from the Biden administration regarding the broadband and Internet services industries. The problem is they want government to control everything from broadband infrastructure to Internet service provider services, even down to customer promotions and Internet terms of services.
FCC Commissioner, Brendan Carr, commented on the government overreach,
"President Biden’s plan hands the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. Never before, in the roughly 40-year history of the public Internet, has the FCC (or any federal agency for that matter) claimed this degree of control over it. Indeed, President Biden’s plan calls for the FCC to apply a far-reaching set of government controls that the agency has not applied to any technology in the modern era, including Title II common carriers.”
[VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3wlsjv-truth-seekers-mini-report-censorship-the-truth-behind-bidens-digital-equity.html]
So it's going to start at the top. Whoever runs the Biden administration will send edicts to the FCC, and then they will funnel them down to the broadband and Internet service providers. But you can bet it doesn’t stop there. I believe it will eventually trickle down to broadcasters and podcasters—anyone that broadcasts over the Internet. I believe this is yet another way for them to silence voices they don’t like, especially if a broadcaster’s speech isn’t inline with the mainstream narrative.
What if a broadcaster speaks against the COVID jab? What if a podcaster speaks against a certain group of people? What if somebody is talking about something biblical and they don't like it? That is where I believe all this is heading.
Of course, everybody, all people should have access to the Internet equally. I'm not against that. This is how they're couching it. But they're taking it a step further. They're calling it discrimination. So they use the discrimination word to make it sound like they're the good guy and they're going to come in and rescue people from being discriminated. I am sorry but they don’t care about anyone of lower income status, they don’t care about a person’s race, or those in a protected class. So what is it really about?
There are two objectives. The primary objective, I believe, is the control factor, the World Economic Forum kind of control where you control or monitor everyone, everywhere, all the time, in all things. This probably also plays into the infrastructure that will be needed for surveillance in the 15-minute cities/smart cities.
The secondary objective is to take people off the Internet who are broadcasting against mainstream narratives. Maybe a conservative radio host, maybe a pastor who's doing a service, and he's talking about sin and somebody hears it and doesn't like it and reports him. Then what?
They're going to have to pull him off the air. That's where this FCC guideline rule crap is going. So how do they do this? Glenn Beck mentioned in his podcast they will control everything, even terms of service.
I believe the “terms of service” is where they will have the most power. This is the fine print that you read or see when you're going to sign up for an email or social media platform, or any online service. You click the little box to say you read the terms. In that fine print will be Biden directives that funnel down to the FCC and then to the ISP and broadband providers, and there will be a little blurb about misinformation or some other nonsense.
Online podcasters and broadcasters will be held to that language when using those services. If they don't they can be held accountable for what they are saying, and can be pulled off those platforms—so much for free speech.
In a 218-page FCC document called Fact Sheet: Preventing Digital Discrimination, I did a search for the words, disinformation and misinformation, and voila, they came up. There's a section called foundation, and it states, “Furthermore, online platforms are also associated with the increase in misinformation and disinformation, disproportionately impacting vulnerable populations who cannot decipher through the accelerated sophistication of emerging technologies. The inability to decipher misinformation, which can lead to confusion, can create a chilling effect preventing marginalized communities from accessing resources, applying for jobs, and developing digital literacy.”
So they're telling you you're too stupid to figure this out. They say when you hear something, you can't decipher it yourself. You're just not smart enough. You’re going to be confused and this creates “a chilling effect.”
So that, my friends, is what this is about. It's about taking people down who the government believes are broadcasting misinformation or disinformation, because the viewers are not smart enough to figure out what's bull, right? The government needs to come in and protect them. They swoop in with the solution, as always.
It’s only about control. They want control.
***Check out my new book on sale Nov. 28th***
Glenn Beck:
FCC Fact Sheet: Preventing Digital Discrimination
MSN.com: FCC commissioner calls Biden equity plan for internet control 'sweeping, unprecedented, and unlawful'
ABC News: FCC adopts rules to eliminate 'digital discrimination' for communities with poor internet access
#Censorship #FCC #Internet #Misinformation